Bucksnort, TN, is a small, unincorporated town in Tennessee. It is close to Spot, TN, (actually, we should probably say that Spot is close to Bucksnort, since Bucksnort is larger and better known).
So, why is Bucksnort called Bucksnort? According to a legend on the back of a T-shirt that’s apparently sold at the gas station, (which may have good sandwiches), in Bucksnort, (I-40, exit 152), there was a trader named Buck who lived in the area, and locals would say they were going to “Buck’s to get a snort.” It looks like this may not be true – see Tyler’s comment below. Update again: There seems to be some debate between the two stories. Check the comments from Tyler and westtenguy below. However, I’m not too sure, as there’s a very, very, similar story about Mimosa, TN, (to be featured later).
After hearing the name Bucksnort, some people have gone to great lengths to see the town. I found a forum post, (scroll down), about a fellow from the Netherlands who went to find Bucksnort. When he got there he didn’t find much, but did find out that where the interstate is now is where the town used to be, and it was actually moved a bit to make space for the highway. Now all that’s left of the original townsite is a dirt road, (although all that’s there at all is a gas station, motel, and maybe a garage or adult store).
Bucksnort, Tennessee is also the hometown of wrestlers Bunkhouse Buck and “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony. Tony Anthony even had a signature move called the Bucksnort Blaster.
Oh yeah, that guy from the Netherlands? He’s a member of a band called the Trailer Trash Tremblers. Here’s a video of their song, Bucksnort, Tennessee:
The story you have provided is not true……I am related to the guy named BUCK that lived in 1850’s to 60’s the true story is…..
Buck was a very bad alcoholic and drank every night and got drunk. He had no home and Bucksnort, Tennessee at that time all they had is a tree at the intersection of what I believe is Mermosa Ave. or Road and whatever road crosses it. He had no home due to the money he spent on alcohol and slept in that tree. Whenever he fell asleep it sounded like he was”snorting” and the people that went by in horse and buggy could hear Buck snorting and claimed it as Bucksnort, Tennessee.
Thanks Tyler – I’ve updated the post to point to your story.
Don’t confuse Bucksnort, just by I-40 in Hickman County, with the other wide spot in the road that used to be called Bucksnort but that is now called Mimosa.
Mimosa is about 8 miles northeast of Fayetteville, TN, down in Lincoln county…. and about 100 miles or so southwest of the Bucksnort of today.
Tyler Starr who wrote above is talking about the place now called Mimosa.
Spot might be fairly close to Bucksnort. In fact it is about 6 miles as the road winds.
It would be more interesting to note that there is a place 2 miles from Bucksnort called Only. That’s all it’s called: Only. It’s just south of exit 148, on the Centerville Road. The Only road takes you there, but it’s not the only road to Only. Strange, that. But then it would be, wouldn’t it.
My mistake.
Of course, Mimosa is southeast of Bucksnort.
It’s not southwest… but if you head in that direction you could touch Sweet Lips and Finger before you get to see Guys in TN.
Place names over in West Tennessee are wonderful. Why not visit Tiger Tail, Skullbone, Flippin, Life, Sweet Lips, (near Finger), Lick Skillet, Koko, Yum Yum and Zu Zu? There’s more… but enough for now.
Thkans for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate
There is a state prison at Only. It’s about the only thig there.
It seems there is a lot of confusion – I tracked down the same story, (Tyler’s), for both Bucksnort & Mimosa. Maybe there’s a museum in the area that could help set the record straight.
Also, it looks like I’ll have to start writing about some more of these Tennessee placenames!
there all wrong i grew up there in the 1970s,Bucksnort got its name for the abundance of deer in Hickman Co.,
….bc buck’s snort
Now who’s gonna shoot one of ’em?
Most of the commentary above that you have just read is modern day BS. When this part of Tennessee was first settled there were no modern highways running cross country, like there is now, not even dirt roads. The way they found their way into this region was by way of waterways like duck river. There were Indians to fight off and trees to cut down to build farms. One of my relatives bought land at Bucksnort and farmed there. Bucksnort is a name initiated by hunters, it was an area where when hunting for deer the sound of animals could be heard proclaiming their significance.
Kinda nice to know, actually. 🙂
Thanks! Occam’s Razor says you’re most likely right.
All these stories are why I love names & trivia like this.